Phil Morgan Shares Horn Tooting Advice

Phil MorganPhil Morgan along with his wife Pam have travelled the country in full-time music ministry since 1996, appearing on various radio and television programs including Oprah, Montel, and the 700 Club. Phil has written two books and hundreds of songs, plus a weekly email devotion than highlights his humorous and creative way of expressing Biblical truth. Most recently, Phil has accepted a staff writing position with Valley Songs, the publishing division of Chapel Valley Music in Nashville.

For more information, check out Phil’s website at

What is your motivation? My motivation for writing is always the listener or reader. I enjoy the craft of saying something in a way that is original and insightful, but my biggest reward is when God is able to use something I’ve written to reach an individual with the exact message He has for them.

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing?  I don’t know of any writers who enjoy marketing. Writers tend to be very self conscious and hate to “toot their own horn.” Marketing is necessary for anyone to know what we’ve written, but I think we all would love for someone to take that job off our plate. If marketing lights your fire, come and see me. I may just have a job for you!

How do you juggle your life between family and writing? It’s easy for writing to take a backseat to family, work, life, etc. I find I have to schedule writing time and put it on my calendar. As a songwriter, scheduling time to write with someone else really keeps me on track. For solo writing, I have to set deadlines for myself and stick to them.

Be sure to check out Phil’s workshop at this year’s conference,

INSPIRATION – Where to find it and what to do with it.

One thought on “Interview with Phil Morgan

  1. I have the Morgan’s CD’s in my car. They travel with me everywhere and help keep my mind on track. Their songs are uplifting and great reminders of God’s keeping power.

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