Pam Morgan Shares about Pushing Through Writers Block

Pam MorganPam Morgan is a Christian speaker, author, and recording artist who has appeared on various radio and television shows, including Oprah. She and her singer/songwriter husband, Phil, have released fifteen gospel CDs and travel nationwide, inspiring audiences from Alaska to the Caribbean. Although Pam enjoys photography, scrapbooking, teaching women’s bible study, French Vanilla coffee, and (of course) chocolate, she says nothing compares to her two favorite pastimes: sharing the hope of Christ and spending time with her beloved husband and their two young adult daughters, Kayla and Alisha, at home in Lee’s Summit, Missouri.

Check out Pam’s website at

If you were at a book event and someone asked you, “Why do you write?” what would you say? Honestly, I don’t enjoy writing. I write because I need to write. I have a passion to encourage others by sharing what Christ has done for me, and I prefer to do that through the spoken, not written word, but I also know that a book or article can reach many more people than I can personally. And so, I write…when I must. 🙂

What frustrates you the most, the editing or marketing? It depends on the day, but mostly marketing.

Do you ever struggle with writer’s block and if so, how do you overcome? Yes. Usually, my writer’s block is either lack of desire or physical exhaustion. If I lack the motivation to write, listening to music, reading Scripture or reading a favorite author can help. If I’m just tired, I hang it up for the day and pray for inspiration tomorrow.

Is there a scripture that helped you in your writing journey this past year? Isaiah 40:31 – They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength…

Be sure to check out Pam’s workshop at this year’s conference:

Speak Up! You Have a Great Book!

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