NL Sharp

N. L. Sharp has been writing for children for more than 20 years. Her first book, Today I’m Going Fishing with My Dad, was a Nebraska Golden Sower nominee. In 2003, Sharp created her own publishing company, Prairieland Press, to publish and market her books. Her debut book under that company, Effie’s Image, was a Nebraska Golden Sower nominee. Her second book, The Flower Girl / The Ring Bear: A Flip-Over Book, was a Nebraska Center for the Book Award winner. Sharp’s first novel for middle grade readers, Keeping Captain, was a winner in the children’s category in the 2017 Nebraska Center for the Book Awards.

Nancy will be teaching the workshop Writing for the Children’s Market. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Nancy a few questions to help you get to know her better.

Do you set goals for the new year? If so, does it help you produce more? I have found that yearly goals are too long for me–and make me think I have more time than I really have! I do much better setting quarterly goals and then dividing those goals into weekly and monthly mini-goals and projects. These seem to allow me to be more accountable and stay on track better, and, in the long run, more productive.

What or who inspired you to become an author or singer or preacher? I was fortunate enough to have attended a one-room country school, where our teacher read to us every day. That was my favorite part of the day. When our teacher read the book THE LITTLE HOUSE ON THE PRAIRIE to us, and I realized that you could be an author by just writing down the stories of your own life, I was hooked and knew that someday, I wanted to be a writer, just like Laura Ingalls Wilder!

How do you deal with writer’s block? Because I am a teacher, I have found the best way for me to overcome “writers’ block” is to give myself an assignment and a deadline–and the smaller the assignment (and the shorter the deadline) the better I will do. It is much easier for me to think about writing a scene or a character description than a novel–so I work on small steps–and try not to worry about the entire project at one time.

Do you have a favorite scripture, if so, how has it helped you? One of my favorite scriptures comes from Galatians 6: 1, 4-5, taken from THE MESSAGE. These words remind me that God calls us to do the creative best we can with the gifts we have been given and leave it to him to decide where those gifts will take us. //”Live creatively, friends. Make a careful exploration of who you are and the work you have been given, and then sink yourself into that. Don’t be impressed with yourself. Don’t compare yourself with others. Each of you must take responsibility for doing the creative best you can with your own life.”

What is your favorite part of a writing conference? Networking and talking shop with other writers–something I don’t get to do at home!

Visit N.L. Sharp on her website to learn more about what she writes.

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