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Here’s an exercise to get your creative juices flowing. Whether it turns into something you use or whether it’s simply stirring the pot, have some fun.
 Look at these pictures below (don’t think too hard). For each one, set your timer for five minutes and write fast and furious. No editing allowed as you go. Don’t correct yourself. Just write. ANYTHING that comes to mind.
For those of you who need a little prodding, there are a few questions below each picture that might help you get started.
Who is this man? Is he poor? Why?
What is he doing?
Is he hiding something?
 When is this picture?
Where is this train going?
Who is on the train?
 Where is this house?
Whose house is it?
What is going on inside this house?

After you have written you’re allotted time, go back and look at what you have written. Are there any nuggets there you can use – a short story, the start of a new novel or a scene you want to use somewhere?
If there is something worth keeping, you are now allowed to edit and “fix” your writing.

I would love to hear if any of you found a nugget worth keeping.

Writing prompt from the blog of Angela D. Meyer