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Tag: Writer’s Encouragement

Writing can be an isolating task. In order to focus, we squirrel away in some out of the way place or corner in the house and attempt to defy the distractions.

To some degree we succeed or nothing ever would have been written. But a by-product to this isolation is often discouragement. Those around us may not understand the dance of characters in our head or the struggle to find just the right word.

Most people who don’t write don’t get that we HAVE to write. And as Christians it is our God given assignment and mission to pen the words He has placed on our hearts.

So how do we maintain equilibrium in the midst of such imbalance? How Do we keep our mind on the goal when frustrations set it?

Read good things. There are many good encouragement books and websites out there. I highly recommend Marlene Bagnull’s book,  Write His Answer, a bible study for writers. 

Hang around other writers who are writing and submitting. This holds you accountable and gives you hope that you can do it, too. 

Take a break. Enjoy life with those you love. Relationship triumphs words.

Improve your craft. Take a class. Read lots of books – about writing in general as well as fiction. Participate in a critique group. Write. Submit your work on a regular basis.

What ways have you found to  be encouraged? Do you have an idea not listed? Or a favorite website or book?