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Tag: speaking coach

Speaking is one of the best ways to grow a platform, meet new readers, and interact with them in a more personal setting. The problem is, many authors are intimidated by this and don’t know where to start. Jennifer Slattery has been speaking to audiences of all sizes and in numerous settings, from Atlanta to Seattle, for nearly twenty years. She’s also the founder of a local parachurch speaking ministry that averages six conferences a year, and she leads a local speaking practice and critique group. With experience as a speaker, ministry leader, and speaking coach, she understands the challenges writers face when attempting to gain bookings and also how to steadily grow one’s message and audience. In this 45 minute session, she’ll discuss how to create and present engaging talks, get bookings, and more.

Feel free to bring a snack and beverage. This meeting is open to all.
After the meeting we’ll gather for our relaxed Afterglow chat session at Village Inn, 7837 Dodge St.

We meet the fourth Thursday of the month
6:00-7:45pm at the W. Clarke Swanson Library.
The meeting room is on the basement level. Park on the east side of the building and walk into the lower door.