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Tag: Proverbs 20:3

“It is to a man’s honor to avoid strife,
but every fool is quick to quarrel.”
Proverbs 20:3 (NIV)
The first critique group I joined taught me to listen to the advice given and not to defend what I meant to say. The lessons were hard. Seven women, all well-published authors, didn’t have time to waste.
We started on time. We brought enough manuscripts for each one to read along. No one read their own article—less chance to correct oneself while reading. One by one the women commented. Once you voiced your opinion, you couldn’t speak again until everyone had finished.
I might have quit after the first day—my feelings were wounded. But I believed God had called me to write and I’m stubborn enough show up again. And I did.
Did I have my feelings hurt again? Yes, more than once. But I learned more from that group of women than I had in years. They were tough, they were thorough.
Recently I saw a quote by Jack Cavanaugh:
“If God told you to write – how DARE you stop writing
because you got your feelings hurt or somebody didn’t like it.”

I find it difficult to praise the Lord when I’ve spent hours editing and reediting and another writer says, “I’m sorry, I don’t understand….” But over the years I learned not to let my emotions stop me, to listen more, and go back to the keyboard and edit again.

Prayer: Father, may all of us learn to appreciate every piece of advice given. To understand those critiquing any manuscript want only the best for the author. May we praise you for the opportunity to serve you while we rewrite once more. Amen