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Tag: name recognition

Wordsowers Monthly Meeting
Thursday May 25th, 2023, 7:00-8:30 pm CST

This will be a hybrid meeting with a Zoom option for those who can’t physically attend.

Whether you’re writing a book, or fulfilling your call to write in other arenas, name recognition is invaluable.
At the May Wordsowers meeting, Lollie Hofer will share the benefits of getting your name out into the writing world, especially if you’ve written a book (or are in the process of writing one) but you’re unknown to publishers.
She’ll also discuss the fact that not every writer has a book in them. There are other rewarding ways to reach your readers and to get published. (Think Jeanie Jacobson and Chicken Soup for the Soul.)
In the writing realm, Lollie is multi-faceted. She’s written several children’s books and is now vetting editors for them. Meanwhile, she’s busy writing devotions, articles and short stories for publications such as The Upper Room, The Secret Place, Wholly Loved Ministries, Crosswalk, Back-to-the-Bible, CrossRiver and Medium. She also writes three blogs for three different genres.

Connect with her at or

This month, please join us at
Omaha Christian Center
4215 N. 92nd Avenue
Omaha, NE 68134

Important: Park in the north parking lot (lower lot) off of 92nd & Taylor. Follow the signs to the Wordsowers meeting room.
(From the north lot there are only three steps to traverse.)

Please join our private FB group if you would like to be a part of this meeting.

We meet the 4th Thursday of the month from 7:00-8:30 pm.

We welcome you to explore our website and Facebook page.