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Tag: Jeff Gerke

February 2, 2012 the Omaha Wordsowers Christian Writers group met at the Rockbrook Plaza Garden Café. Some of us met at 6 p.m. for food and fellowship.

At 7 p.m. Angela talked about a book she bought at HACWN last fall, “The First Fifty Pages” by Jeff Gerke.

After listening to Angela’s presentation I know I want this book in my library. In fact, I wish I’d bought it before the meeting.

There are several things that stood out to me when Angela talked about Gerke’s book. One of his bombs: Character Creation sounds like the book I’m reading. “If you could switch the names around in a dialogue scene and nothing seems out of the ordinary, the characters are week.” (page 57.)

Like I said at the meeting, “The novel I’m reading is rather boring, but it puts me to sleep at night.” Truly the characters in the book are “flat.”

A quote from Angela’s notes:

Don’t tiptoe into your book. Launch the thing with a major dance number.

Next month Daniel Segura is presenting a book about characterization. He’ll post a title soon in case you want to read or buy it before the meeting.

Those in attendance for February meeting: Bill, Lee, Jon, Dan, Matt, Angela, Kat, Merrie and Teresa.

Also, if you want a flyer to advertise Wordsowers at a bookstore or library, email Angela.

If you have any questions or suggestions please contact one of the Leaderhip Team: Angela Meyer, Jon Miller, Kat Crawford, Teresa Tierney

Enjoyed your presentation, Angela.
