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Tag: interviews

Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge,
but he who hates correction is stupid.
~Proverbs 12:1
Read your email thoroughly before you reply.
Freelance newspaper work is tough. When I wrote a weekly column for the Plattsmouth Journal, I interviewed many gospel singers. Many times I interviewed individuals “cold,” no website to give me background. (The calls reminded me of years before when I sold pre-need cemetery arrangements. I stuttered in the beginning—but got the job done.)
Once when I needed to interview a country gospel soloist, someone gave me her email. I sent questions. She shot back immediate answers—and added a note. I read her answers, but didn’t digest the material in her note. Later I sent her a quick email, “Is there a time I can call you? What time zone are you in Texas?”
She emailed me, “I’m in Omaha—how about now.” I re-read her email and found all the information I needed.
Because of my haste, I apologized with a red face. The experience reminded me of other lessons I learned the hard way. Spiritual lessons. If I’d slowed down and taken time to pray and then listen to God before bringing up a sensitive subject with my husband or my co-worker, my tone of voice and my attitude—could they have been softer, more understanding?
Prayer: Lord, you are never too busy to listen to me or to advise me. Help me to slow down long enough to not pray and go, but pray and know before I speak. Amen