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Tag: Chris Meyers

An author and software developer, Chris L. Meyers is a WordPress presenter, coach and web developer.

His books include a fantasy series called Legends of Aeo. The next two books are expected in 2019. Chris also penned Distraction-Free Writing, a short how-to book based on his time spent balancing family, a full-time job and long-term illness while writing a book.

Chris will be teaching the workshop Winning at WordPress. Visit the workshop page to learn more.

We asked Chris a few questions to help you get to know him better.

Do you set goals for the new year? If so, does it help you produce more? Goals are a mixed bag for me. They’re good for helping me define my direction, but they’re bad if I take them too seriously. I aim somewhere, set some reasonable expectations, then go after it. Production can take care of itself.

What or who inspired you to become an author or singer or preacher? My wife. She never gave up on me and wouldn’t let me give up on myself.

How do you deal with writer’s block? For me, physical activity helps most with writer’s block. Get the blood pumping and get out of my own head for a bit.

What is your favorite part of a writing conference? Meeting other writers.

Visit Chris on his website to learn more about what he writes.